Homemade baby food is always something one has to rack their brain on what to prepare which is healthy and easy to make. Many prefer the food available in the market. But nothing can beat homemade food for your baby.


Avocados are one of the best baby foods that any nutritionist would recommend as the first and only baby food. The best thing about avocadoes as they are easy to find and affordable as well.

It is easy to prepare as it can be blended into a smooth puree, smashed into a chunky puree, sliced into finger food, or cut into pieces for the baby to eat on his own. No matter what you want to give your baby, avocadoes can be your first choice among the many choices of vegetables and fruits in Kenya that you have.


Avocado is not only loved first food for a baby since it would hardly cause any sort of allergies, has healthy fats in abundance and has a texture that is easy for new eaters. Making avocado puree for babies is popular since there’s no cooking involved plus it’s super easy – just a blender or a fork can do the needful!



To make the avocado puree, all you need is ripe avocado. The best ones you can get from Impala Greens. You will also need lemon if you want to store your pure –So easy – isn’t it?


Choose Avocado

Pick ripe avocado, make sure it is firm to the touch but not hard, it indicates the fruit is ripe. A very soft avocado may be too ripe with brown spots. So, it should be firm with a little softness and not feel as hard as a rock. When you want to buy fruits in Kenya always rely on the best hand-picked ones, for instance, Impala Greens can always be trusted for the best quality vegetables and fruits in Kenya.



Now, look at the easy-peasy process of making this homemade safe baby food. Follow the steps carefully – it should not be a problem as it is no rocket science. So, here we go!

  1. Halve a ripe avocado, remove the pit, and scoop out the flesh.
  2. Add the flesh to a bow if you are using a fork, otherwise, add to a blender.
  3. Add milk or water, blend well or mash avocado till it becomes soft. It blending in a blender add milk or water according to desired consistency.
  4. Take it out in the baby’s bowl and serve immediately.
  5. If you want to freeze, add a few drops of fresh lemon. Make sure you don’t make it sour by adding a lot of lemon juice. Your baby might not like it.

TIP: This puree tastes great as a spread on crackers, so if you plan to have them choose either milk or water to make a smooth paste.


How to Store the Puree

Store in the fridge in small containers, squeeze lemon juice on top, it will prevent browning.

To freeze avocado puree, add fresh lemon juice into the mashed puree, and freeze in an ice cube tray. When frozen, transfer the cubes into a Ziplock bag, it can be used for up to 3 months. When you want to use it, thaw it overnight in the fridge. Take out the cubes from the plastic bag and place them in an airtight container or let them be in the freezer bag if you wish.



Avocado is one of the finest foods

+ for not only a baby but for an adult too. Making puree and storing it as simple as it can be. Mothers can be stress-free when they buy fruits in Kenya from trustworthy sellers because it’s a matter of health. So, when you want to buy premium quality vegetables and fruits in Kenya, our go-to brand should be none other than Impala Greens.