There is a saying, “The first wealth is health”.

Indeed, good health is the most dominant need to live life to the fullest. An unhealthy body can never accomplish even the simplest tasks with ease. Mental, physical, emotional, social, and environmental health are all correlated and influence a person’s capabilities and approach to life. Along with other factors, a key factor for maintaining good health is to have a healthy diet routine as the food you eat has an immense effect on your physical and mental energy.

Green vegetables should be a prime portion of your diet if you want to stay healthy and safe from diseases and obesity. They are very rich in nutrients but low in calories and reduce the risks of heart disease, mental slump, and high blood pressure.

Green beans

Talking about green vegetables, green beans are worth the hype because they are not just rich in nutritional value but also a very valued and desired side dish in holiday meals and nightly dinners. Green beans are also called snap beans or string beans.

Green beans as the most desirable complement dish

Green beans are also multi-purpose, they go absolutely perfectly with a number of cuisines. You can pair them with very basic dishes and give them a completely new flavor and look, like chopped green beans in scrambled eggs, by doing this the health benefits of green beans are also added to the dish which makes it even better. Green beans can also be taken in a variety of different ways such as stir-frying them in lemon juice and butter and serving them with fried rice, tossing them in a salad, or serving them with steak.

Why should we take green beans in our diet?

The health benefits of green beans are bewildering: 

  • For bones: green beans are very rich in vitamin k along with a satisfactory amount of calcium and no calories which keeps the bones strong and healthy and reduce the risk of fractures. 
  • In cancer: the health benefits of green beans are not just confined to bones, but green beans also contain chlorophyll which blocks the carcinogenic effects of the heterocyclic amine as well. 
  • Minimizing heart disorders: green beans don’t contain cholesterol and are the best for maintaining good health of the heart.

The health benefits of green beans are innumerable as green beans are also essential for good eyesight, preventing aging, strengthening nails, uplifting the skin, detoxification, and much more.

Where to buy the best green beans in Kenya?

If you are looking to buy fresh vegetables in Kenya, Impala greens bring you the most trusted online vegetable store in Kenya which provides you with crisp and garden-fresh green beans. You can always trust Impala greens if you want to buy fresh vegetables in Kenya as product quality is always the first priority. The health benefits of green beans or other vegetables are never compromised in the process of their production and trade and most importantly customer care and convenience are given prime importance. 

All of these things altogether make Impala greens the best online vegetable store in Kenya and you will be amazed to see Supreme-quality green beans and other vegetables at your doorstep.